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Update #2 Our biggest update YET

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second-update blog main-menu secondupdate town boats

I’ve finally made our main menu, and not only that but the saving is pretty much done!

You’re probably wondering, why did you took so long in the project to make the saving? Practically at the end of all the mechanics…

Well… We didn’t have any use from it, we first thought about what needs doing before that, and a lot of things had the higher priority than saving… But time always comes for everything and everyone, so it was finally time to implement saving.

So now on the main menu you can continue your recently played save, you can make a new game or load up one of the three saved slots.

Now the current saving system is based on autosaving when you’re quitting the game, but we’ve had some internal talks about how we want saving to actually work. It’s difficult to know before actually playing the game for long and continous periods of time, but one of the ways a lot of other games have done it is by having your character go to sleep, so each time you go to sleep, the game saves.

We do quite like this method and it’s going to work like that, but also we don’t want the player to only wait for the next sleeping session before they can exit the game. So probably there will be a 5 minute autosave, as well as a manual save. But the logistics are yet to be discussed, the most important thing that the implementation is in, and it’s working amazingly.

If you haven’t already, WISHLIST the game on steam.

After the main menu, the most important thing was getting back on the map building, most of the map has been done until the trailer, but as it was Christmas, Ivana (Level designer) went on a break and she’s finally back. And my God is she back with a bang!

Ivana made this amazing town and I cannot put into words how good this structure looks seeing in game for the very first time, there’s a lot of details needed but it’s looking amazing. the town is seperated into multiple alleyways in which you will find different things to upgrade, sell, talk to… As you see here. The town is quite big since it’s going to be the main kind of “hub”.

You can see you can reach the main village docks going through the town, and this one is really great! You can see all the expensive ships and items being sold. Further down, while still in development the town square looks amazing!

You can see where all the vendors will be and how it’ll look! I can’t wait until this one is finished.

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Now how we imagined this game to go, is that you are a guy that is coming into Fisherman’s Palace, and to represent that visually the best we possibly can, we need cutscenes. So we started work on the general concepts of what our cutscene will look like and what you’ll be able to do in that linear segment of the story.

The idea is that you arrive and you talk to all the people that around you and you find out that the choosing ceremony is happening on the next day, and you’ll probably need to pick a faction to support, so you go around asking different people from different factions about them and how they operate, so they can help you choose where you will lay your skills.

Each faction apart from the story will give you some skills, attributes, and abilities that will help you further your career as a fisherman.

If you haven’t already, SUBSCRIBE to me on Youtube.

One of the things that needs upgrading from the previous version is building, and that is only one of the things that we decided that needs upgrading going forward before release. UI design is now changed into these circles which will bring out more of them and once you click on the thing you want to build you will go into another camera that you can move, rotate, zoom and basically like a strategy game build your base.

Now we’re in the concept phase of the UI build but it’s looking good and we like it a lot more than the previous design!

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The final thing on this update list, which was really long, is the boat mechanics.

NOW the main idea was that you can drive boats onto different islands and the fishing there will be more difficult, but with a higher reward. So we improved our water system to now have waves, and the boat has buoyancy, which will make it harder for you to traverse.

It’s in the starting stages so a lot more is going to be written and said about this update so I don’t have to go overboard talking about this, so for now just enjoy these images! <3